PRIMACH Builds Green Road

PRIMACH Builds Green Road


PRIMACH provides warm mix asphalt foaming equipment for asphalt mixing plants of different brands.

PRIMACH Builds Green Road
PRIMACH'warm mix asphalt equipment is consisted of foaming unite, water dosing and supply unit, water replenishing unit, and controlling system. It has lots of the advantages compare with the normal mix bitumen. Foaming bitumen can be used 50-60° lower than the hot mix bitumen, which means the cost reduce and less pollutant emission. After the mix of the foaming medium (water or vapour) and the high temperature liquid bitumen. The asphalt viscosity will be decrease and the volume will be expanding rapidly. This expansion is purely physical processed and the chemical property of the bitumen won't be changed at all.
PRIMACH provides warm mix asphalt foaming equipment for asphalt mixing plants of different brands. So far, dozens of warm mix asphalt foaming equipment have been put into use, serving many construction projects. Please look at some cases as below.